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Home > News & Insights > How Fundbox Uses AI and Humans to Deliver a Great Customer Experience

How Fundbox Uses AI and Humans to Deliver a Great Customer Experience


By Bernie Borges


great customer experience is at the heart of customer loyalty and support – and we all want OUR customers to have that “Wow!” experience. As technology improves there are more and more ways to deliver experiences customers remember and tell others about… even in industries as long-standing and conservative as lending. Bernie’s guest on this episode of Social Business Engine is Basile Senesi, head of sales and support at Fundbox.


As you listen, you’ll hear how Fundbox has taken an innovative approach to providing a solution to a long-standing need in most businesses – access to credit. They do it with both data automation AND the human touch. It’s a winning combination and you’ll hear all the details from Basile on this episode.


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