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Home > News & Insights > Artificial Intelligence Stocks are Everywhere, Including These 11 Household Names

Artificial Intelligence Stocks are Everywhere, Including These 11 Household Names


By Louis Navellier, Editor, Growth Investor


In the 1980s, we had no idea what artificial intelligence (A.I.) would be like – but we loved making movies about it. There was Arnold saying, “I’ll be back” in The Terminator…then becoming a young boy’s friendly sidekick in Terminator 2. But in neither movie did Arnold Schwarzenegger’s character act much like a human. And in real life, for companies like OpenAI, the goal is to create A.I. that mimics human reasoning.

However, projects like OpenAI don’t get much attention in the media. In a recent poll from Blumberg Capital, 58% of respondents said they were getting their info on A.I. from movies, TV and social media.


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