Supply Chain and Logistics News & Insights

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VerAI Discoveries Secures $24 Million in Series B Funding to Grow Its Global Asset Portfolio of AI-Based Mineral Discoveries
VerAI Discoveries Secures $24 Million in Series B Funding to Grow Its Global Asset Portfolio of AI-Based Mineral Discoveries
Manchester Tech Firm Partful to Scale with £5m Funding
Manchester Tech Firm Partful to Scale with £5m Funding
SupplyPike Acquired by SPS Commerce | Optimizing Supply Chain Operations with AI
SupplyPike Acquired by SPS Commerce | Optimizing Supply Chain Operations with AI
Loadsmart Acquires NavTrac to Bring Computer Vision to Yard Management
Loadsmart Acquires NavTrac to Bring Computer Vision to Yard Management
Making the Unseen Seen
Making the Unseen Seen
Forbes 2023: 30 Under 30 in Manufacturing & Industry
Forbes 2023: 30 Under 30 in Manufacturing & Industry
Survey Reveals AI’s Impact on Productivity in the Workplace and Customer Service
Survey Reveals AI’s Impact on Productivity in the Workplace and Customer Service
Moving Industry Innovator Shyft Appoints Randal Meske CEO, Closes Series B Funding
Moving Industry Innovator Shyft Appoints Randal Meske CEO, Closes Series B Funding
NYSHEX Lands a Fresh $25M in Series B Funding to Match Shippers with Ocean Carriers
NYSHEX Lands a Fresh $25M in Series B Funding to Match Shippers with Ocean Carriers